Please contact us to register an account with us and trade with us.
Registered Gurkha Gold customers can
- lock-in the price of gold bars with margin deposits
- pay for the remainder balance of the gold bar purchase at a later date
- store gold bars in secure and insured non-bank vaults;
- take delivery of gold bars in London or request shipment of the gold bars within the UK or abroad
- have marked-to-market valuations of gold bars stored with Gurkha Gold vaulting partners
- receive the latest updates of Gurkha Gold products and services
To verify a customer’s identity, Gurkha Gold is required by the rules of H M Revenue & Customs in the UK to ask for and examine at least one document from each of the following lists.;
List 1:
- Passport
- Full driving licence
- National Insurance card
- Birth certificate
- National identity card
List 2:
- Phone bill
- Other utility bill
- Deeds
- Tenancy lease
- Council tax bill
- Hotel key card (for non-UK residents only)
In the UK, there are no minimum transaction thresholds, under which customer due diligence (also known as KYC – Know your Customer) may be disregarded.
Gurkha Gold applies appropriate measures to implement relevant rules on Customer Due Diligence. Please click here for further information.